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Women´s talks live - Freedom to follow your dreams- Berlin

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Akce již proběhla

Hotel Amano Grand Central, Heidestraße 62, Berlin

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Areál Vinařství Chateu Valtice Valtice ()


Přijďte ochutnat fantastickou čokoládu! Akce je jedinečnou událostí pro všechny milovníky čokolády a cukrovinek, kteří mají chuť se pobavit, skvěle si pochutnat a případně se i přiučit vaření s čokoládou. ...více


Sklepy v obci, Šardice, Šardice ()

600 Kč

Čtvrtý ročník vinařské akce, která navazuje na tradiční letní otevřené sklepy a umožní návštěvu nejen těm milovníkům vína, jimž letní termín nevyhovuje, ale i všem ostatním, kteří mají rádi dobrá moravská vína. 

Popis akce Women´s talks live - Freedom to follow your dreams- Berlin

WM Live Freedom to follow your dreams

We are moving towards the evolutionary time where it is easier and easier to realize that WE are the artists of our own lives and WE are the ones who create our own reality. The first step on the path towards the most creative and the most present owner of our life is embodying the freedom. When we allow the freedom to drive us towards life full of love, joy, and peace and from that place we can face all the challenges which are helping us to evolve into whole human being.

I invite you now to come with us to create a safe space for openness and sharing, where inspiration takes the place and we will all together make a conscious step toward Freedom to follow our dreams.

We will spend more than two hours in a great company of people who made the decision to make a difference.

In the first part of the event, I will ask questions my two guests Sylvia Jagla and Evelin Chudak about more feminine topics and the freedom to be a woman.

In the second part of the event, we will dive deep into more spiritual stuff.

You will have in both parts of the event lots of space to ask questions so there will be great interaction between you and the speakers.

WM events are also very spontaneous so I will react on the need of the present to unfold and so we will write the story of the evening together.

I am looking forward to meeting you all.


With love Štěpánka


Women´s talks live - Freedom to follow your dreams- Berlin -Hotel Amano Grand Central, Heidestraße 62, Berlin