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Achieving Sustainability Through Design- Praha

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WorkLounge Karlín, Pernerova 51, Praha

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Popis akce Achieving Sustainability Through Design- Praha


Achieving Sustainability Through Design by Design Agency Butterflies & Hurricanes

By definition, a sustainable company is one whose purpose and actions are equally grounded in financial, environmental and social concerns. But in reality, the road to sustainability for most businesses is not easy. The question always remains; how to achieve financial sustainability as a company, freelancer or an agency and be in touch with your integrity and your core values? This is what Michaela, Creative Owner and Director from Butterflies & Hurricanes, can help you answer. 


Butterflies & Hurricanes is a packaging design firm seeking an end to packaging. In their core values, Butterflies & Hurricanes believes that sustainability can mean both profitability and viability. They tend to achieve a higher purpose through caring about doing good business in ethical ways that do no harm to businesses, people, or the environment.


Please join us on a presentation where Michaela will share Butterflies & Hurricanes thoughts about;

  • Butterflies & Hurricanes special manifesto of doing business and high moral ethics 

  • Answering the burning question: is sustainable really financially sustainable?

  • Challenges they face by presenting themselves as sustainable Design Company

  • Butterflies & Hurricanes environmentally friendly packaging Design Process and Design Projects they have been working on

  • Their collaboration with different Czech NGOs and their thoughts on empowering women as a driving force of change 


This event is for every designer, entrepreneur or freelancer out there that wants to stay on the top of the doing business with high moral value trends and want to get inspired to do sustainable projects.



  • 6:30 - 7:00 PM Meet & Greet

  • 7:00 - 7:10 PM About Femme Palette 

  • 7:10 - 8:10 PM Presentation about Achieving Sustainability through Design from Butterflies & Hurricanes

  • 8:10 - 8:30 PM QA

  • 8:30 - 9:00 PM Networking Time


There will be time to talk about achieving sustainability with other members of Femme Palette and learn from each other. Let’s start a discussion about expanding our awareness about sustainability and real challenges in the industry connected to the living and doing business by ethical values together!

Date: 2nd of October

Venue: Worklounge (Karlin)


Michaela, Creative Owner, and Director

Michaela is a professional with over 20 years of experience in the marketing industry and graphic packaging design. In 2014 she attended a conference Dieline in Paris and realized, that as a packaging designer, she was actually designing waste. After that, she decided to completely transform her design studio and core business. The studio now helps its clients to find more sustainable and responsible ways of branding and design packaging solutions. She believes that design is a service to society and can make the world better.


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Achieving Sustainability Through Design- Praha -WorkLounge Karlín, Pernerova 51, Praha